Kinfire series
Explore the series of games in the KINFIRE universe. As a member of the Council, you've been charged with rebuilding the great city of Din'Lux and defending it from the dangers of the Starless Nights.

Kinfire Chronicles: Night's Fall is a co-operative campaign game for 1-4 players that blends thrilling fantasy adventure with tactical, edge-of-your-seat combat. Play as one of six unique Seekers, sworn to protect the city of Din’Lux and help rebuild the world beyond. Armed with kinfire lanterns, you’ll brave the Starless Nights, battle the creatures that emerge, and guard each others’ backs against the malevolent forces trying to stop you.
Part of the KINFIRE Game Series.
Note: This is a preorder for the Premium Edition (see description for contents list) with eta Jul 2025. Deposit (NR) RM500 to confirm your preorder.
Age: 14 and up
Time: 45-60 minutes
Kevin Wilson
Incredible Dream Studios
Sleeve size: 65x90 (1265c)