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Games suitable for young children; even those as young as 4-5. Visit our sister site Boardgamekids.
MYR225.00 MYR205.00

Ticket to Ride: France/Old West Map 6 includes a double-sided game board that features France on one side and the western half of the United States on the other. In the France half of this expansion, 2-5 players collect train cards and claim routes in order to complete tickets in hand, but most of the tracks on the board aren't colored! In the Old West half of the expansion, 2-6 players start the game by choosing (in reverse player order) a starting location for one of their three city pieces. The first route that a player claims must have this city as one of the route's two endpoints, and each subsequent route claimed must connect to that player's existing network.

Players: 2 to 6
Age: 8 and up
Time: 60 min

Alan R. Moon
Days of Wonder

Sleeve size: 56x87 (112c)

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