• Planet Unknown: Supermoon (KS Deluxe Edition)

Game Details Players: 1 to 6 Age: 10 and up Time: 60-90 minutes
Publisher: Adam's Apple Games Designer(s): Ryan Lambert, Adam Rehberg

Planet Unknown: Supermoon (KS Deluxe Edition)

MYR199.00 MYR169.00

Planet Unknown is a polyomino tile-laying game that mixes tile-placement, engine-building, simultaneous play, and resource and rover management for a unique and competitive gameplay experience. Supermoon is the first expansion.

Supermoon Superpuzzle
Extended Gameplay
Salvage Tiles
New Planet and Corporation

Note: This is the preorder for the KS Deluxe Edition with eta Apr 2024. Deposit (NR) RM80 to confirm your preorder.


Weight (kg): 2.0
BGC Marks Earned+159 (what is this?)
KS eta Apr 2024

This is the Kickstarter Deluxe Edition and includes

  • 6 Supermoon boards
  • 6 plastic mini Satelites
  • 4 Fragmented Planet boards (combine to make 1 modular planet)
  • 2 Fragment Corporation boards (combine to make 1 modular corporation)
  • 36 Polyomino tiles (2 x 1 salvage tiles)
  • 35 Patches (7 x each of 5 terrains)
  • 12 Meteorites supply tokens to support large player games
  • 24 Event cards and 16 CIV cards

The following add-ons can be placed while our preorder window is open. Stocks (for add-ons) are only allocated on availability basis.

  • Neoprene Planet Mats (12 in total)
  • Neoprene Supermoon Mats (10 in total)
  • Plastic Bits (60 meteorites, 39 lifepods)
  • Wooden Bits (60 meteorites, 39 lifepods)

Click here if you are looking for the base KS Limited Deluxe Edition.

Our planet has run out of resources, and we are forced to move. We have discovered a series of planets and sent our rovers to test their environment with the hope of colonization. Our rovers have confirmed 1-6 viable colonization options.

Planet Unknown is a competitive game for 1-6 players in which players attempt to develop the best planet. Each round, each player places one polyomino-shaped, dual-resource tile on their planet. Each resource represents the infrastructure needed to support life on the planet. Every tile placement is important to cover your planet efficiently and also to build up your planet's engine. After placing the tile, players do two actions associated with the two infrastructure types on the tile. Some tile placements trigger "meteors" that make all planets harder to develop and prevent them from scoring points in the meteor's row and column.

Planet Unknown innovates on the popular polyomino trend by allowing simultaneous, yet strategic turn-based play via the Lazy S.U.S.A.N. space station in the center of the table.

The meteor strikes have caused great damage. We’ve gathered as much wreckage as possible so please use the salvage carefully. Complete the primary objective and build the planet that will preserve humanity. Expand your developments onto the Supermoon in case the meteorite hazards get out of hand.

Another giant leap for Polyomino board games.

Planet Unknown is a polyomino tile-laying game that mixes tile-placement, engine-building, simultaneous play, and resource and rover management for a unique and competitive gameplay experience. Supermoon is the first expansion.

A new decision point has been created. Place your tile on your moon or onto your planet. The moon comes equipped with a 3d satellite mini to help clear meteorites in a unique way. You could even choose to deploy a rover on your moon. Tile selection, tile placement, and meteorite cleanup will be the key to mastering this new puzzle.

The net effect of the Supermoon expansion will be games that take roughly 5 simultaneous turns longer, extending your gameplay from ~65 minutes to ~80 minutes. This extension allows new strategies to emerge and players must challenge existing assumptions about Planet Unknown retain to their winning edge.

A supply of salvage tiles will be available to each player. Each salvage tile is a split polyomino, salvaged from the recent meteor showers, and always has one resource and one meteorite. Instead of drafting from the S.U.S.A.N., you may choose to place any two of your salvage tiles placing them together or apart.

With the recent meteor shower, a new corporation has assembled from the wreckage. Mix and match the new planet and corporation content to create even more asymmetric pairings in Planet Unknown.


A lid to control the polyomino chaos for the gamer transporting their collection or storing their box vertically.


The following add-ons can be placed while our preorder window is open. Stocks (for add-ons) are only allocated on availability basis.

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