• Earth (KS Edition)

Game Details Players: 1 to 5 Age: 13 and up Time: 45-90 minutes
Publisher: Inside Up Games Designer(s): Maxime Tardif

Earth (KS Edition)

MYR355.00 MYR315.00

Earth, the soil that supports and sustains our beautiful planet, Earth. Over thousands of years of evolution and adaptation the flora and fauna of this unique planet have grown and developed into amazing life forms, creating symbiotic ecosystems and habitats.

It’s time to jump into these rich environments and create some amazing natural synergies that replicate and extrapolate on Earth’s amazing versatility and plethora of natural resources. Create a self-supporting engine of growth, expansion and supply where even your unused plants become compost for future growth.

Note: This is a preorder for the 2024 KS Edition (reprint) include KS Gifts. Deposit (NR) RM200 to confirm your preorder. Click here for the Retail Edition.


Weight (kg): 3.0 Sleeve size: 57x90 (364c)
BGC Marks Earned+315 (what is this?)
KS eta Dec 2024

Earth, the soil that supports and sustains our beautiful planet, Earth. Over thousands of years of evolution and adaptation the flora and fauna of this unique planet have grown and developed into amazing life forms, creating symbiotic ecosystems and habitats.

It’s time to jump into these rich environments and create some amazing natural synergies that replicate and extrapolate on Earth’s amazing versatility and plethora of natural resources. Create a self-supporting engine of growth, expansion and supply where even your unused plants become compost for future growth.

Earth is an open world engine builder for 1 to 5 players with simple rules but tons of strategic possibilities. With its encyclopedic nature and the enormous number of unique cards and combinations, every single game will allow you to discover new synergies and connections, just as our vast and fascinating world allows us to do!